Polymathic Group



Basic Product Information

Version: 7.0
Publisher: Polymathic Computer Corporation
Address: 100-245 Yorkland Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario M2J 4W9
Tel: (416) 490-8010
Fax: (416) 490-8275
Copyright held by: Polymathic Computer Corporation
Trademark held by: Polymathic Computer Corporation
Operating Systems: Windows Server 2019 64-bit
Windows Server 2016 64-bit
Windows Server 2012 64-bit
Windows Server 2008 64-bitWindows Server 2008 32-bit
Windows Server 2003 64-bitWindows Server 2003 32-bit
Windows 7 64-bitWindows 7 32-bit
Windows Vista 64-bitWindows Vista 32-bit
Windows XPWindows 98
Windows NTNovell
Minimum Memory: 512MB


Canadian Payroll: A comprehensive, time-saving payroll system that calculates and prints cheques and provides distribution to multiple General Ledger accounts (interacts with General Ledger Program). The program gives you efficient handling of hourly, salaried and commissioned employees. Calculate income tax, U.I.C., C.P.P., Q.P.P., regular overtime and vacation pay for all provinces and territories. Quickly and easily print T-4 slips, pay cheques and a variety of other useful reports.


Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What type(s) of payroll earnings categories can be processed? salary draw against commission
    salary with overtime piecework
    hourly fixed amount on a project basis
    straight commission

  2. Can more than one of the above categories be used for a single employee? yes
  3. Can the software automatically calculate commission earnings from sales data? yes
  4. Can there be more than one commission rate for a single salesperson? yes
  5. For a single employee, can there be more than one rate of pay within one pay period? (eg. shift bonus) yes
  6. Can the software account for sub-contract personnel? yes
  7. What is the maximum number of employees (all earnings categories) which can be on the payroll in any one pay period? limited only by disk space
  8. What is the maximum number of records in the personnel file? limited only by disk space
  9. What pay period can be used? weekly
    every two weeks
    twice a month
    once a month

  10. Which form of payroll payment will the software account for? cash
    bank transfer

  11. What is the maximum number of different deduction categories (eg. C.P.P., U.I.C., union dues etc.) which the software will support? 50
  12. In addition to current salary and position information in the personnel file, is it possible to maintain previous salary and employment position detail for employee history inquiries and reports? yes
  13. Can the software account for vacation and sick time accrued? yes
  14. Can the payroll expenses be allocated to individual profit centres? yes
  15. Which payroll and personnel reports can be printed? payroll journal
    deductions register
    T4's and T4 summary
    summary payroll report by employee
    by cost centre
    by general ledger distribution
    U.I.C. termination slips and summary report
    employee year-to-date earnings record
    vacation and sick pay accrual report
    taxable benefits report
    personnel records - all detail
    personnel records - summary

  16. Can the software print pay cheques? yes

Main Menu

Payroll Main Menu

Daily Processing Menu

Change Processing Data

Pay Period Maintenance

Employee Pay Data Entry

Calculate Deductions

Process Payroll

Vacation Pay

Yearly Processing Menu

Reports Menu

Maintenance and Inquiry Menu

Employee Master